Sustainable Chesapeake's work has positively impacted thousands of farmers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We facilitate innovation, collaboration, and conservation. Our projects have resulted in cleaner water and farms that are more resilient and profitable.

By The Numbers


Farmers Participating

Across the Chesapeake Bay region, 4,251 farmers participate in our innovation and collaboration projects.


Acres Improved

In the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, helping reduce runoff.


Million Dollars Raised

To support innovative agriculture projects in the region.


Conservation Plans Developed

Comprehensive nutrient management plans for animal producers and conservation plans for crop producers guide on-farm project implementation.


Projects like this one help landowners become more invested in implementing innovative solutions to conservation problems,” said NRCS State Conservationist Jack Bricker. “Participating producers will realize immediate and long-term financial and production benefits, such as improved operational efficiency, reduced input costs, increased soil moisture, and enhanced drought resiliency.

Jack Bricker, NRCS State Conservationist

Sustainable Chesapeake provided the horsepower and experience that the Lancaster Clean Water Partners needed as we developed a $7.4 million project focused on priority watersheds in Lancaster County. The project started on a successful path thanks to their expertise and guidance.

Allyson Gibson, Coordinator, Lancaster Clean Water Partners

Impact Stories

The Bridge between agriculture and conservation
